Sunday, October 27, 2024

~~~Sharing my Award Winning Juvenile Book with all of my fans ~~~

The Fat Black Cat
By: C. L. Collar

I opened the door and there she sat
on my front porch, a Fat Black Cat.
Since Halloween’s not far away
I decided that she could stay
Addition to my fun décor
A Fat Black Cat at my front door.

I really thought by the next day
She would have scampered far away.

But as I opened up the door
She had added to my décor
A big Fat Rat with a pink tail
Of course I let out quite a YELL!
She was not bothered by me much.
She simply said “It’s just my lunch.”

                         I really thought by the next day
                        She would have scampered far away
                        But as I opened up my door
                        She had added to my décor

A Large Black Spider in a Web
“He’s just a friend,” is all she said.
“He might stay for a day
Or he might simply go away.”

I really thought by the next day
THEY would have scampered far away

But when I opened up my door
They both were there and there was more!
She had procured a great big SNAKE
Dead of course, but still a SNAKE!
“He bothered me.” was all she said
As she daintily cleaned her head.

I really HOPED by the next day
THEY would have scampered FAR away.

But when I Opened up my door
There was more there than before.
A Bat was hanging from the eaves.
She growled and said. “I am not pleased.
I chased him all night through the trees.
He just won’t go. He’s such a tease!”

I really HOPED by the next day
They would ALL have gone far away!

But when I opened up my door
There was a surprise for sure!
The Cat had donned a Pointed Hat
And a cape was draped upon her back.
She smiled at me “Don’t I look dandy?
Maybe I will get some candy?”
Halloween night was finally here!

No one would come to my house this year
I thought as I looked out the door
At my unusual décor.

They would all be scared and run away
That cat had ruined my favorite day?

As I climbed into my bed
Costumed kids danced in my head
At least I’d see them in my dreams..
Then suddenly the doorbell rings!
I jumped and scampered to the door
And there I was surprised once more.

I opened the door and there she sat
The Fat Black Cat with the pointy hat.
Goblins and ghosts petted her fur
They gave her candy as she purred
Your house’s the best I heard them scream.
And as they ran off,  I know I’d seen
What will be MY BEST, HALLOWEEN!

I thought that she was here to stay
But she had vanished the next day
Gone was the Spider and the Bat
Gone was the Snake and the fat Rat
I really hope she will come back
Next Halloween, my Fat Black Cat!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Happy Halloween Witchy Whoo Style

Witches' Brew

           Witchy Brew
       By C.L. Collar

        “Witchy, Witchy, Witchy Woo, what should we put in the brew?”
asked Witchy One of Witchy Two.
            “I do not want to make the brew,” said witchy, witchy, Witchy Two.
“I want to make a nice beef stew.”
            “What has gotten into you?” asked Witchy One of Witchy Two.
“It's Halloween and we must brew.”
            “I have nice eye of newt, so blue. Green toes of toad, I have these too,”
said Witchy One to Witchy Two.
            “No, not one of those will do,”said witchy, witchy, Witchy Two.
“I want to try something brand new.”
            “New does not go in the brew,”said Witchy One to Witchy Two.
“That is one thing we NEVER do.”
            “Ahh. I know what we can do,” said witchy, witchy, Witchy  Two.
“We can and will make old cow brew.”
            “I do believe, that, we can do,” said Witchy One to Witchy Two.
              “It will be old and will be new. Witchy, Witchy, Witchy Woo!”