Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Strange Little Thing

A Strange little Thing

By Cathy Collar

A strange little thing sweeps through the air.

It is cherished by people everywhere.

Even though it is known to cause suffering and pain.

It is everywhere searched for again and again.

It has made tears fall from many an eye,

But people without it would just as soon die.

Why is it sought after and cherished so much,

If it brings pain to the places it’s touched?

Because it has also made meek men brave.

And many a time a life it has saved.

It can bring pleasure to much of mankind,

When found in the right place, at the right time.

It’s power’s unlimited, yet it’s peaceful as a dove.

I hope you experience it,

This Strange Thing called LOVE !

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Jennifer & Brenda. I am so happy you liked it. :o).
