By Cathy Collar
Life is like a balloon.
It has it’s highs.It has it’s lows.
We just have to learn to go with the flow.
We just have to learn to go with the flow.
Take one day at a time. Ride the highs,
Soar in the sky,
Float on the clouds, as they sail by.
Float on the clouds, as they sail by.
Feel the sun hot on your face.
Enjoy what is there.
Have not a care.
Breath the fresh air.
Breath the fresh air.
The lows are time to ponder why.
To ask yourself, “ Who am I?”
To wonder if life is passing you by.

Ask questions that have no answers.
What is God’s plan, for beast and man?
Answer the questions as best you can.

Life is like a balloon.
Enjoy the highs.
Make use of the lows.
Through it all your perception grows.